

Daily Conversations (1)


"What are you reading, Severus? Three preparations and three prescriptions. Why, finally get tired of your current occupation, and thinking about pharmacy?" Nymphadora found her partner in the study, burning the night candle. She read some lines only to find that the text didn't make any sense to her.

"No, muggle pharmaceutical engineering lacks the beauty of potion brewing. All those GMP, GLP nonsense. Just can't bear it." Snape commented without looking up from the article, "After the outbreak of COVID-19, I find the Traditional Chinese Medicine rather interesting."

"By interesting, you mean ambiguous?"

"With all the fondness in the world, you do lack the cortex to appreciate ancient art."

"With all the respect in the world, darling, I don't need to, since neither syndrome of inner blocking causing collapse nor syndrome of flaring heat in qifen and yingfen will affect me. I'm immune to most of the infectious diseases."

"Ja, a blissful gift of your kind. Now find something to occupy yourself. I am working on the dosage of Asarum and ephedra. With the help of magic, I may even find a cure for COVID-19."

"I am under the impression that ephedra is illegal in our country. Where... No, don't bother. I don't want to know."

